
Lawyers and law office jobs have become gradual over the years. The demand for attorneys continues to grow and, at this point, we don’t see it nearing its end ever. It’s boggling to think about how nurses, mathematicians, and teachers came about, but it is even more important to consider the origins of lawyers! Lawyers are the individuals that fight for our rights and carry out the law by ensuring that citizens are fairly represented, in and outside of the court. If you’re wondering how lawyers and their occupation came about, we have the answers. 

Ancient Rome and Greece: The Birth of Lawyers

The first founders of law make their appearance into society through the ancient history of Greece and Rome. In fact, Greece and Rome have a modern-day reputation of law due to lawyer origins! In ancient Athens, orators had nearly the same qualifications of lawyers. These orators would often plead the case for well-known associates, town members, and friends. At this time in history, it was required that individuals would plead their own case or have a close colleague take the job for them. The courts wanted to make sure that a representative was trust-worthy and that they were not bribed to do so. With this being said, it is also essential to note that lawyers were not allowed to take fees or payments to establish a formal profession. Although this law was often violated and because it was, the empires tried to find a way to work around this law and make the service of early lawyers an established profession. Thanks to Emperor Claudius, the legal profession was legalized and he even allowed for lawyers to charge a limited fee. It was not long before the profession made its occupation prevalent in the middle ages. 

Expanding Into the Middle Ages

Modern-day lawyers are known for making a high living, but that was not always the case in earlier times. Lawyers in medieval times often found themselves struggling to make even a comfortable living. This was due to the fact that the legal profession collapsed in the western world. Despite this fall, the profession was able to meet resurgence. Although, this resurgence was brought about in a form that mostly served the church and its laws. Between the years of 1190 and 1230, the state and the church doubled their efforts to control and regulate the profession. There was a strong push and desire to professionalize the legal occupation and have lawyers swear an oath before being allowed to practice law. 

Lawyers Influence the American Nation

As American history is a widely taught subject in schools and colleges across the U.S., you might be wondering when exactly lawyers first began to practice law in the nation. As we learn about the history of lawyers, it is important to understand this time frame is filled with changes and fluctuations. In order for society to find the need for lawyers an advancement had to have taken place. The first lawyers did not appear immediately in the Americas when the British colonies were established. Many of the first settlers were reluctant to lawyers, and they tended to be more hostile than the European nations. Some colonies went as far as outlawing lawyers—oddly enough. In the few places where lawyers were allowed to practice, they were tightly regulated and were only permitted to charge a small fee to clients. As the colonies began to thrive financially, the need for lawyers grew. Although, most lawyers were untrained and clients took the risk of hiring a lawyer that might fail to represent them in and outside of the courts. 

Eventually, the prejudices against lawyers began to diminish and the legal profession gained more respect, power, and credit. Twenty-five of the fifty-six men who signed the Declaration of Independence were lawyers! Lawyers were being trained and much more focused in the American courts and, eventually, after the American revolution, bars were established all across the country. This allowed for the education of lawyers to become more formalized. By the 1850s, many small law schools were established by lawyers in the United States. This paved the way for aspiring lawyers to reap the education that they needed in order to practice law. 

The Law Offices of Joseph D. Vasquez: Proudly Carries the Duties of Law

Joseph D. Vasquez is a proud attorney that represents the entirety of El Paso. Joseph D. Vasquez aspires to keep the success of lawyers prevalent throughout the years. Contact our law firm to learn more about how we can represent you!