Child Support Attorney El Paso

Divorces and separations are rarely a walk in the park. It’s common for parents to run into issues when it comes to child support, custody, and visitation rights, for instance. For this reason, it’s in your best interest to work with a child support lawyer who has vast experience in family disputes. Circumstances can always change and issues related to child support may arise as a result. In order to make your child support case a smooth and professional one, choose El Paso lawyer Joseph D. Vasquez. Our lawyer has the experience you need and knows how to resolve your issue in the best way possible.

How A Child Support Lawyer Can Help

Child support is calculated differently by each state and is based on whether both parents have joint custody or one party has sole custody of the children. This is where a lawyer can confidently contribute to help both parents receive their fair shares. A lawyer initiates the process by explaining child support rights to the client and answer any questions regarding which situations qualify for child support modifications. Attorney Joseph D. Vasquez can also help parents who need to recoup their child support and make up overdue payments.

Providing Legal Aid to Fathers

Joseph D. Vasquez specializes in paternity child support, where the majority of the parents who provide financial support are fathers. Child support and child visitation are two separate issues. A father has an obligation to support his child. Being behind on child support payments does not affect visitation rights, but it can lead to custodial parents taking the situation to trial. You can be held guilty of failure to contempt, which can call for minimal jail time and fines. As you can see, the world of child support can be a tricky one. We can ensure that blended families receive the child support they need. Our law firm can also support your case by holding the custodial parents responsible for the welfare of the child, ensuring that they use child support wisely.

Choose Joseph D. Vasquez to Support You 

Paying child support should not be a struggle nor a burden for designated parents. Attorney Joseph D. Vasquez will make sure that both parents do their part in investing in the wellbeing of their children. Don’t hesitate to contact The Law Offices of Joseph D. Vasquez to learn more about how we can help you go about child support.